I know I just said that I was sick of hearing about Obama. Oh well.
Maybe it's just the sore loser-ness of Republicans, bigots, and so on, but I get the feeling that, despite his appeals for unity, Obama will prove to be just as divisive as Bush, not by purposefully driving wedges between people, but simply because of his ideology and (though no one will admit this) his skin color.
Also, the Democrats are basically in the same position the Republicans were after the 2000 elections. They control both the executive and legislative branches; it's their turn to run things.
We all saw how well that worked out for the Republicans. Let's hope the Dems do better. These next 4 years will show whether the Democrats actually have the balls to stand up and get things done, or if they're cowardly and corrupt. Basically, if they're just politicians.
At least we don't have to worry about this lady running our country.