Friday, November 21, 2008


Long day. My brother is in the hospital, and has been for the last couple days. He's doing fine, but we don't really know how long it's going to take for him to recover completely. Could be a couple days, could be a couple weeks.
I haven't seen him since he's gone to the hospital. My parents are taking shifts staying with him. They're both completely exhausted. My mom's in rough shape especially. My dad seriously came close to breaking down over the phone with me the first day.
Even though we all know intellectually he'll almost certainly end up fine, it's still tough. There are obviously far worse things that could happen, but having someone so close stuck in a hospital with tubes sticking out of him just isn't a fun experience.
It's 7:30 on a Friday. I should be out having fun, but I just feel like curling up into a ball and shutting out the world.
I hope I never have to go through this as a parent.

1 comment:

Funeralmoth said...

"Funnily" I am at my mother right at the moment, as she fell down a stair a few days ago and now has her collarbone broken next to the joint. Cases like that are just fine...